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How do I use Molly's Potting Mixes?Updated 6 months ago

To repot a plant in any of Molly's Potting Mixes follow the below instructions;

  1. Carefully remove the plant from its current container and gently shake off any loose soil. Rinsing the root ball is optional unless the plant has a noticeable pest problem in which case we recommend rinsing the leaves and the root ball prior to repotting.

  2. Add a small layer of Molly's Potting Mix to the bottom of the pot so that the plant sits at the desired level in the pot.

  3. Insert the plant, carefully maintaining its upright position as you add Molly’s Aroid Mix around the base of the plant making sure to completely cover the root ball while leaving some space between the top of the mix and the rim of the pot.

  4. Water thoroughly.

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