What's the best way to water Molly's Succulent Mix?Updated 7 months ago
Molly's Succulent Mix generally requires watering every 1-2 weeks, depending on the plant and local environment. The mix is formulated to drain quickly since over-watering a plant is harder to recover from than under-watering a plant, and potted plants are susceptible to root rot. As the mix drains quickly it's important to properly distribute the water throughout the mix. For best results, we recommend making sure that the water pools on top of the mix in the pot and drains uniformly, vs. e.g. finding a small route through the mix and not spreading out. We also recommend bottom-watering the plant once in a while by placing the pot in a small cup/bowl/saucer with an inch or so of water and letting that soak up through the hole in the pot for 30-60 minutes depending on the size of the plant. Doing so will completely rehydrate your plant and potting mix while encouraging strong downward root growth.